Unique Wonderful Milwaukee Rentals - http://www.uwmrentals.com/

2502 N. Frederick #1

Milwaukee, WI 53211

Bedrooms: 1
Type:          Lower Flat

Available: 3/1/2025
Lease Term: month to month with a 60 day notice
Rent:  $1095
Security: $1095
Company: Southview, LLC

Lower One Bedroom Flat with Heat Included.
Email Wendy
Phone: (414) 628-0663
Fax:  (414) 272-6666

  Lower one bedroom with hardwood floors and heat included. Snow and grass removal included with pets allowed with a pet agreement.

Property Features:

Utilities Included:Heat included Appliances Included:Yes
Furnished:No Parking Included:No
Smoking Allowed:No Pets Allowed:Yes
Wheelchair Accessible:No Onsite Laundry:Coin
Internet Included:No Cable Included:No

Additional Features:
  • Wood Flooring
  • Storage
  • Yard

Photos:  (roll over to enlarge)

living room

living room


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